Search through our library of courses, select a category you might be interested in, use the search bar, or filter options on the left side of the page.

Building Cultural Responsiveness Using STEM

STEM can be a powerful tool when it comes to engaging your learners with instructional material because it opens the doors for students to incorporate their own experiences and cultures in diverse subject areas. In this course, we will explore ideas for helping your students interact with different STEM activities while maintaining the integrity of their cultural identity, allowing them to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Storing Technology Safely Over the Summer

Ever encounter battery-related issues with your devices at the start of the school year? We know how frustrating it can feel when your technology won’t hold a charge or function the way it used to when you return back to school in the fall. Join us for this end of year session as we share recommended steps to prepare your technology for storage over the summer.

Using Google Forms to Drive Instructional Decision Making

Join us for this course to explore how Google Workspace can promote learning and support data-driven instruction (DDI). Google Forms is one of the many tools out there that can help you gauge students’ pre-existing knowledge, identify misconceptions, and so much more. In this course, we will explore how you can use the features within Forms to create engaging lesson activities for your students and promote student growth.

Technology to Support Your Calming Space

Creating a space for students to feel safe when they are feeling dysregulated can be essential in any educational setting. Come join us as we discuss different ideas for the use of technology in these types of environments. Together, we will explore different ideas to help students regulate, feel safe, and refocus their attention.

Making Self-Paced Learning Work for Younger Students

Self-paced learning has become a popular model to facilitate more student-led instruction. With the teacher moving into a guided role in this model, how can this work with younger students? In this session, we'll take a look at some platforms and best practice for making self-paced learning work successfully for some of our youngest learners.

Body, Mind and Zen: Mindfulness Activities for Students

Do you find your students drifting away to dreamland or struggling with impulsive behaviors?  Come join us as we explore the science behind mindfulness and some activities using technology that can assist your students with their practice of mindfulness.  Can't wait to Zen with you! 

Re-Adjusting to the Classroom: Strategies for ELLs

Teachers everywhere will rejoice when they can return to a "normal" classroom. The return to learn is near, but so many new challenges will be presented. For example, how will we best meet the needs of our ELL students? Unlike previous school years, where our ELL students benefited from daily immersion in the English language, they may have only received bits and pieces of English while learning remotely. How can we acclimate our ELL students as they re-adjust to in-person learning? Join us to learn some strategies to best support our ELLs as they re-adjust to the classroom.

Social and Emotional Learning with Storyboards

Do you have a student who frequently gets frustrated with what seems like simple tasks and isn't sure how to act in general social situations? Join us as we take a look at creating and implementing storyboards in your classroom. Storyboards help students develop skills to combat difficulties throughout the day while incorporating different components of social and emotional learning techniques in a safe environment.

Using Screencastify to Introduce Class Routines

Every teacher knows the beginning of the year is the best time to establish routines to optimize learning and cut down on wasted time. Using Screencastify to record and introduce class routines will not only help detail important information that students can refer back to (such as submitting homework), but it's also a great resource for students entering your class mid-year. Join us for some tips and tricks for creating Screencastify videos!

SAMR Model

Once technology is made available, what can educators and administrators do to make sure it is being used properly? That’s where the SAMR framework comes in. The SAMR model is a quality check for a technology tool that has been integrated into a lesson. After this session, participants will leave with a keener eye towards examining technology usage and learn how to use technology to enhance learning opportunities for students.

TPACK Framework

What can you do when you’re given technology but not quite sure where to start when it comes to plugging it into your preexisting lessons? TPACK is there to help teachers engage students with technology! This session will explore the TPACK framework as a model for successful technology integration. We’ll dive into the specifics of Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge that are at the core of the TPACK model for technology integration.


There are a number of technology integration models out there that can give you a better idea of the value that technology is bringing to your instruction. In this session, we’ll dive into the PICRAT model and the two foundational questions that a teacher can ask about any technology used in their classroom.

Manual Testing for Website Accessibility

Automated testing, although it is useful to check for website accessibility, actually only accounts for 30% of website accessibility issues.  In this session, learn how to check for the other 70% of issues that prevent an accessible website.  You will learn 4 easy manual tests to conduct yourself, 5 things to ensure your website has, and 6 things to avoid on your website.

Effective Organization of Microsoft OneDrive

Let’s use Microsoft OneDrive to get organized! In this session, we'll walk you through strategies for uploading and organizing your files and review how to adjust your share settings to collaborate with your students and colleagues. We'll also cover some great ideas for enhancing your workflow and managing documents.

Reflecting on a Year of Remote Teaching

Teaching remotely has been a major adjustment for both educators and their students. From learning how to deal with a surprise appearance by the family dog, to effectively assessing your students, there have been many new things to learn. In this session, we'll reflect on the challenges and triumphs of teaching remotely during the 2020-2021 school year. Join us to discuss what worked and what didn't, and what you'd like to bring back to the classroom.

Leveraging Google Remote Skills for Re-adjusting to the Classroom

Teachers everywhere will rejoice when they can return to a "normal" classroom. The return to learn is near, but what should this learning look like? If recent history has taught us anything, it's that the ways in which education can be delivered have fundamentally changed. In this session, we'll discuss how you can leverage Google skills learned used during remote learning when you return to the classroom.

Preventing Regression in Your Special Education Classroom

Some students are profoundly affected by lapses in instruction, such as over summer, winter, or spring breaks. In this course, we'll share some apps and games, as well as other online activities and support for parents to prevent regression and provide opportunities for their child to retain the skills they learned in a fun and positive way.

Wrapping Up Your Year with Google

Hang in there — summer is almost here! Join us as we take a look at how to close out the school year using Google. We'll focus on getting you ready for next school year now, so you can have more fun in the sun this summer. We'll show you how to organize your Google Drive, wrap up your digital gradebooks, and create a summer to-do list so you are ready to hit the ground running next year.

SMART Tools for SEL

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a hot topic in education, and figuring out how to address students' needs while learning remotely has been a challenge. In this course, we'll take a look at some of the tools SMART already has built into their software, and how these tools can be used to engage students in positive social and emotional learning both in and out of the classroom.

STEM and Remote Learning in Early Education

Join us as we take a look at STEAM in the early childhood classroom and how it can be done during distance learning. Walk away with some tips, tricks, and confidence to take on this new way of learning in a developmentally appropriate, interactive, and exciting way.

Cooperative Learning Opportunities Using Kami

Collaboration and cooperative learning activities can be tough to initiate in a virtual learning environment. But with the right tools, such as Kami, teachers and students can achieve more together! Join us as we explore how Kami provides the fundamentals needed to create an engaging and cooperative learning environment, serving as your digital pen and paper.

Using Technology to Support 3D Teaching and Learning

During this session, we will explore how technology can help support 1D to 3D learning, even in a hybrid environment. We'll take some time to review what exactly 3D learning is and how it's reflected in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). From there, we'll dive into various types of technology and how they can be used to support this type of learning, both in and out of the classroom. 

The Science of Alt Text

In this follow up course to “The Art of Alt Text,” we will look further into alt text best practices. Join us to learn why alt text is important, what kind of images you should not be using, why default alt text is not good enough, and why it’s important to add alt text to all graphics.  


Digital Journal Activities for ELLs Using Google Slides

Join us as we share scaffolded activities to encourage journaling and allow ELLs to work at their own English language development level. We’ll also explore how to use Google Slides to encourage your ELLs to complete written accounts or photo entries that keep a record of their lives during this momentous time in history.

Manipulatives for Anywhere Learning

Manipulatives provide our students with unique learning experiences and lesson engagement. Whether you are in the classroom or working with students remotely, it is necessary to share meaningful resources with students. In this session, we will explore digital manipulatives as well as how we can use household objects to help students understand key concepts.