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Web Safety for Students

As technology continues to evolve, digital citizenship is an essential tool to teach students. As 21st century learners, it is important for students to have a deep understanding of how to work appropriately online. In this session, we'll dive into strategies to help students build critical thinking skills as they navigate internet safety. Join us as we explore best practices and resources to teach digital citizenship and web safety in the classroom.

Constitutional Rights in the Digital Age

September 17th is known as Constitution/Citizenship Day, a day in which we celebrate the signing of the US constitution in 1787. We have come a long way since then and today's students must now interact in both physical and digital worlds. In this session, we will show you how to use lessons from our founding fathers to teach your students about becoming good digital citizens and how to incorporate this into any classroom. It is never too early or too late to introduce digital citizenship to your students as they prepare to join the 21st century workforce.

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Are you interested in learning more about staying safe in the digital world? In this session, we’ll cover the basics of cybersecurity and strategies for teaching our students to stay protected while working on digital platforms. We will also explore the potential risks associated with working and interacting online. Join us as we discover security basics to protect our personal files and data from unauthorized access.

MAD-learn Design Thinking Process

This is our second session on MAD-learn where we will take a deeper dive into the 6 step Design Thinking Process. The team at MAD-learn has created this solution to make it easy for students and teachers alike to brainstorm an idea for an app. By following this step by step process, students will easily be able to build out their app and make their idea a reality. Join us as we look to build something together!

Going MAD for Nutrition & Fitness

Today's students should take control of not only their daily nutrition and fitness regimens, but also their wellness in the digital world. In this session, we will look at technology in order to address both issues. Utilizing MAD-learn's app creation platform, we will demonstrate how students can create an app that can combine digital citizenship with nutrition and fitness, engaging them in learning how to better their health in both the digital world and the real world.

Digital Citizenship for 21st Century Learners

In the blink of an eye, the need for access to online learning tools was pushed to the forefront of education. Students, teachers, and parents alike had to reimagine the process of learning. 21st century learners have grown up in the digital age, where they have been exposed to all different kinds of technology. Utilizing this technology in a safe, respectful and educational manner is many times overlooked. In this session, we will take a look at the quickly changing digital landscape and how we can educate students of all ages on the importance of positive digital citizenship.

Social Media in the Classroom

Social media is an effective tool for opening up communication between teachers, students, and parents worldwide. Join us as we discuss the best practices for implementing popular social media networks into your classroom. We’ll also show you how to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to grow your own education- focused network. Let’s explore how to communicate with our students and engage them in learning through social media!