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Engaging Students in Citizen Science

There is so much to discover in our natural world — too much for scientists to handle alone! To maximize efforts, scientists often recruit citizen scientists to help. A citizen scientist is a member of the general public or an amateur scientist. While issues with data validity and collection standardization can arise, much of the natural world would go unobserved without citizen scientists. Join us to learn about citizen science and how you can use it in your classroom to provide authenticity in projects, plus learn some tips for keeping your collections valid!

Using Technology to Support 3D Teaching and Learning

During this session, we will explore how technology can help support 1D to 3D learning, even in a hybrid environment. We'll take some time to review what exactly 3D learning is and how it's reflected in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). From there, we'll dive into various types of technology and how they can be used to support this type of learning, both in and out of the classroom.